Hog Roast Oatlands Is Bringing Families Back Together Again!

In Surrey, Hog Roast Oatlands’ catering manager, Shaun, has been busier than ever now that England’s national lockdown laws have finally been lifted – and boy has it been nice to get some normalcy back! Between belated birthday celebrations, wedding receptions where entire families have been able to attend, and large-scale corporate re-opening days, our team have been awash with bookings over the past month, with the latest request coming in from Rosie and Mitch.

With both their families dotted all over the country, the couple hadn’t been able to see anyone in person, let alone introduce them to their lockdown baby, Kayleigh, who is now 8 months old. So, when Boris Johnson set the date for freedom, the pair didn’t waste a breath. Calling us up, they immediately placed an order for one of our bespoke menus. And ticking every box on their checklist was the Alfresco Menu, which the pair fell in love with immediately.

With a young baby to care for and enough on their plates already, Rosie and Mitch were grateful for the fact they didn’t have to lift a finger. Instead, they had Shaun and the rest of Hog Roast Oatlands on their side, who handled every step of the catering process with complete ease and were ready to face any complexities head-on, should they arise. All the couple had to do was dish out the invites!

Hog Roast Oatlands The weeks between the initial booking and the day of the event flew in, an, on Saturday, Hog Roast Oatlands finally rocked up to the couple’s home to prepare a flawless feast of slow-roasted free-range pork with all the bells and whistles, garlic and rosemary-infused roasted new potatoes, a trio of fresh salads, a meat-free option of grilled veggie kebabs, and a platter of Italian meats, cheeses, artisan breads, sundried tomatoes and olives to start. For pudding, they also prepared a creamy homemade cheesecake and an indulgent chocolate torte.

The guests were ecstatic to see the couple and little Kayleigh, who was just interested in watching all the commotion, and what’s more, everyone was thoroughly amazed by the buffet Hog Roast Oatlands served, which had something on offer for everyone.