Hog Roast Brook – Glowing Recommendations From Happy Customers

When you are twenty-something years into an industry profession you have likely seen and done it all. Hog Roast Brook has attended thousands of events, met many more thousand guests, served so many wonderful dishes from our hog roast to our barbecued favourites, extravagant platters, creamy and chocolatey desserts, and yet we still after all that time and all those events still come into work each day with a fresh enthusiasm and a drive to get going.

That is largely because we love what we do here at Hog Roast Brook, and because of the incredible response we get from customers and guestsHog Roast Brook. Few things are more affirming in this profession than some happy faces munching through a perfectly prepared feast, and the lovely comments and messages we get at and after events. It is what keeps us going always; without your incredible support at events we simply wouldn’t be able to keep on doing this.

We often like to talk to customer’s again after they have enjoyed our services and many of these responses end up being glowing testimonials highlighting individuals who brought a particular enthusiasm to the day, or how our foods and services uplifted the event. Recommendations from previous customers are how we have continued to grow through the last several decades. It is always great to show our chefs the glowing comments that all of their freshly made foods get in the days after an event, and of course where there is constructive feedback on the rare occasions or parts of our service that didn’t quite work we always take that on board and work hard to fix it going forward. Without adapting and listening to your customers you will never succeed, after all.

All this is to say that if you are ever at an event with Hog Roast Brook then don’t be shy. Come say hello and give us your thoughts! We love to chat, and we love to chat about food and service specifically – we might even let you in on a few industry tips and foodie secrets too if you are nice…