Hire packages – Hog Roast Merstham

Hopefully by the summer, restrictions have been lifted and we can see friends and family once more. This deserves a celebration, a garden party celebration maybe? Covid is still in the back of your mind though, you can trust that family and friends have been careful or they wouldn’t risk seeing you, having caterers you feel might be risky still. Well, Hog Roast Merstham has a solution for you! 

Hog Roast MersthamHog Roast Merstham does hire packages. The most popular hire package consists of a hog master machine which is easy to use, a raw pig for you to cook on your desired timings and a gas bottle. These will be dropped off on an arranged time with the catering manager. The catering manager will demonstrate how to light the machine and provide any advice on cooking the pig. Usually, this exchange takes about ten minutes. 

A simpler hire package is just having the machine and gas bottle. In the past, customers have received sucking pigs, lambs or big beef joints from local butchers or farmers. Again, the catering manager will arrange a convenient time to drop off the equipment and pick it up. 

Last year, Hog Roast Merstham had a hire which had additional extras such as bread rolls and a bread basket, sauces and sauce bowls, and stuffing. The catering manager, dropped these off with the machine, pig and gas bottle. He provided advice on how to make tasty stuffing my using the pig juices, to slow cook the pig on low heat for 8-12 hours depending on what time they plan to eat and how to make the crackling particularly crunchy! 

An optional extra for any of these packages is for Hog Roast Merstham to clean the machine.

If a hire package seems the perfect idea for you then please do not hesitate to get in contact and enquire today!