Hog Roast Ewell

Hog Roast EwellThis Surrey town’s wealth of open spaces makes outdoor entertaining in Ewell a very tempting prospect. If you have your heart set on putting on an outdoor event in the Ewell area and you would love some professional support when it comes to the catering, Hog Roast Ewell can offer you complete dining solutions and the finest hog roasts around for any type of outdoor event.

Our flexible hog roast catering services are a match made in heaven for many different types of outdoor entertaining in Ewell. From rustic buffets for a large crowd to more elegant dining solutions for special occasions and business events, we can provide a creative catering package for your event that will be spot on for the occasion, your guests and your budget.

Our hog roasts are prepared by some of the most experienced hog roast chefs in the business and cooked on our state of the art hog roasters. Our robust yet completely portable equipment can be set up in any outdoor venue in Ewell. We can cater for a large crowd or a small party – either way you and your guests will be receiving the best food and service, everything will be freshly made on site and each plate of food will look just as appealing as it tastes.

Versatile Hog Roast Catering For Any Occasion In Ewell

Hog Roast EwellWhether you would like a casual buffet or a more formal meal, Hog Roast Ewell are equipped to meet your needs. Our menu options range from classic hog roast sandwiches right the way through to diverse buffets, sharing platters, barbecues and fine dining menus. Whatever level of fun or formality you want for your event, we will be sure to match it by providing a personalised catering package that fits the style and ambience you want to create. Your menu can also be as varied as you require and it can feature different meats, options that are suitable for guests with specific dietary requirements, and an array of side dishes, salads, starters, desserts and canapés to please all tastes.

Please contact us here at Hog Roast Ewell if you would like a free catering quote for your event!