In the recent weeks, we were contacted by an Astronomy Society at a local university, who asked us to cater for an event like no other. They were planning an over-night camping trip in the countryside, so they could get away from all the light pollution and look up at the crystal clear night sky. A date with no clouds forecast had been selected, and now all they needed to do was figure out how they were going to eat, which is what brought them to the team at Hog Roast Croydon.

They asked us to accompany them on their stargazing trip and provide our famous Pigs in Buns during the night, as well as a round of Bacon and Sausage barms for breakfast in the morning. Whilst an overnight camping trip might sound daunting to some, given the obvious challenges, the team at Hog Roast Croydon jumped at the chance to cater for such a wonderful event – when else would they be able to see the stars in all their glory?
The campsite was at a stunning location in the Welsh countryside, and the astronomers had already arrived and set up their tents and telescopes before the team from Hog Roast Croydon got there. With some time to go before the stars made their entrance, the astronomers helped us to set up our gazebo and our chef gave a demo on how to butcher the carcass. When the sun was setting it was time to get the Hog on the spit for roasting. The secret to our great taste, is our slow cooking method combined with a constant turning of the meat. This enables the natural basting fluids to disperse evenly throughout, achieving a succulent finish, with a crispy crackling to die for.
It wasn’t until about midnight that the skies cleared completely and the astronomers could get a good look at the stars. After the pigs in buns had been served, and everybody was well fed, our chefs even got the chance to look through one of the telescopes and behold the true beauty of the universe for themselves.
In the morning, the chefs served breakfast, and proceeded to tidy away their mess discreetly and dispose of any waste off site.