Hog Roast Dorking – Still Room for a Roast in Your New Year Resolutions?

Hog Roast DorkingWith the turn of the year comes the annual tradition of setting up resolutions to make a worthwhile life change for the year. Many resolutions tend to be about restricting certain foods, promising to exercise more, starting up diets and the like, and with January now midway through we at Hog Roast Dorking hope your resolutions are currently still going as planned, though we sincerely hope that they aren’t going to inhibit your chance to enjoy a delicious hog roast or two at an event with us sometime soon!

Dietary resolutions are an excellent way to make the changes you need to better your life, but for one off events you don’t have to feel bad about perhaps bending the rules just once – especially when the foods on show are this delicious! Enjoying one of our succulent, freshly cooked pulled pork roasts doesn’t have to make you feel like you are cheating on your resolution. Events are celebrations, and so letting loose just this once is most certainly still allowed! And besides, with Hog Roast Dorking our foods are prepared from excellent fresh meats and high quality fresh ingredients put together from scratch, so you won’t be ingesting any nasty or cheap processed meats or foods but will instead find nourishing dishes that are as delicious as they are clean for your system.

Hog Roast DorkingBetter quality meats are going to be better for your body, so you don’t have to feel like your resolution is being compromised at one of our events this year. And though we love to pile our plates high for our guests – because you can never have too much of a great thing – you are more than welcome to ask our servers for a reduced portion if needed and we’ll see to that no problem.

Resolutions are about restricting the poorer habits in life, not cutting out the good such as events and great dining! So for those special events this 2023 you can still look out the Hog Roast Dorking team and enjoy the very best of roast catered dining!